Alumni Giving
June 1, 2022-May 31, 2023
James Douglas Abbott ’86
Katherine Hancock Abbott ’01
Martha Costen Abernathy ’62
Stephen Marks Abernathy ’15
Patricia Uptagrafft Abrams ’88
Andrew M. Ackerman ’16
Jennifer Claire Adair ’96
Jason Randell Adams ’96
Matthew Parker Adams ’13
Michelle Lyons Adams ’02
Shawn Macon Adams ’96
Thomas Kirke Adams ’92
Jodi F. Adamson ’97
Claudia Adkison ’64
Evan Paul Agnew ’13
Sharon Daniels Akbar ’84
Rush Emmett Akin ’70
Christina Marie Marquart Akins ’06
Kevin James Akins ’06
Frances Goode Akridge ’61
Robert Keith Alden ’93
Julia Smith Alexander ’67
Jane Howell Allen ’75
Sandra Burnett Allen ’74
Warren Lee Allen ’63
Glenda Atwell Allred ’91
Anna Kathryn Anderson ’16
Emily Jones Anderson ’81
Charles C. Anderson III ’79
James H. Anderson ’76
Jordan Richard Anderson ’20
Thomas Earl Anderson ’69
Kole Patrick Andres ’23
Craig Alan Andrews ’91
Alex P. Ansley ’73
Minna Hayes Appleby ’56
Bernard B. Arant Jr. ’68
Kathleen Howard Arant ’68
Geraldine Ramke Ard ’64
Mary Elizabeth Gasson Armbruster ’14
Curtis Glenn Armstrong ’72
Anthony Arnold Jr ’08
Theresa Zimmerman Arnold ’71
Louisa Ann Haughton Asadourian ’65
Justin Caleb Astin ’13
Luther Allen Ates II ’17
Alexander Karl Aulerich ’20
Nicole Weldon Auvil ’08
Marguerite Wallace McClure Averett ’02
Carla Michelle Avery ’04
Thomas M. Babington ’63
R. Spencer Bach ’63
Jace Evan Bailey ’23
Carol Sansbury Baird ’69
Carrie Davis Baker ’01
Courtney Lee Curenton Baker ’17
David Earl Baker ’69
Carol GiermanskiBalcome ’86
Linda Garrett Bancroft ’62
Jason Thomas Banks ’94
Mary Curtis Ware Barganier ’23
G. Carlton Barker ’70
Branan Shane Barnes ’99
Barbara Lazenby Barnett ’71
Miles Barnhardt ’18
Sidney Carol Hall Barnhardt ’19
Alex Stephen Baronich ’10
H. Wendell Barr Jr. ’67
Jeffrey Mark Barrera ’10
Misty Edwards Barrett ’89
Eleanor Warr Barron ’67
Heather Whitfield Barry ’95
Sandra Tiller Barton ’63
Luke Blanchard Barwick ’97
Celia Farrar Bass ’68
John William Bass Sr. ’71
Gavin Michael Baugh ’20
Chad Grady Baxley ’13
Lyndsey Michelle Weber Baxley ’11
Zona Davis Baxter ’52
William Beaird ’83
*Joanne Gordon Beard ’66
Marsha Brown Beard ’78
William L. Beard ’64
Lisa Free Beasley ’84
Jacob Edward Bechert ’13
Maryann Mooney Beck ’92
Patrick Beck ’96
James E. Bedgood ’96
Diane Haupt Beeson ’91
Gilbert Ward Beeson III ’90
Winifred L. Beezley ’70
Cynthia Smith Belin ’79
James L. Belin ’77
John S. Bell ’71
Kelly Parker Bell ’86
Lorna Lunde Bell ’73
Jobe Belser ’81
Linda Mordecai Benkwith ’70
Nancy Reynolds Benner ’63
Amy Garrett Bennett ’02
Susan J. Bennett ’70
Joe Dan Benson ’81
John Kenneth Berch ’98
Nanci Ellen Smith Berch ’96
Bruce B. Bergstresser ’83
Richard Fitzgerald Bernal ’76
Ann Webb Berry ’54
Sonya Dalrymple Berryman ’83
Elizabeth Ann Cotter Bey ’67
Judy Duncan Bilyeu ’70
Cynthia Fairchild Birden ’76
Robert W. Birmingham ’88
June Burdick Bisard ’56
Christopher Ian Bishop ’21
Amelia Grace Blair ’22
Susan Blair ’68
Courtney Cook Blake ’01
Samantha Linae Blewis ’07
Jason Bobo ’05
Elaine Hearn Boese ’65
Michelle Bogue-Trost ’88
Kendra Elaine Bolden ’12
John H. Bonner ’69
Paula Trimm Bonner ’70
Kimberly Keefer Boone ’92
Matthew Alexander Boone ’93
Joseph Borowski ’77
Linda Larson Borowski ’77
William Blake Bosch ’14
Robert Bothfeld Jr. ’70
James Matthew Bowes Jr. ’15
Amy Vibbart Bowman ’90
Theodore R. Bowser ’90
Traci Lynn Claunch Bowser ’93
Sara P. Boyd ’65
Mary Elaine Meadows Boyer ’65
Lee Ann Hundley Boykin ’87
Lois Cowan Boykin ’66
Dee Evans Bozeman ’69
James R. Bozeman ’63
William C. Bozeman ’67
James Benjamin Brack IV ’97
Donald K. Braden ’68
Taylor David Bradley ’23
Anna Michelle Cox Brandt ’03
Jane Evans Brantley ’47
Thelma Braswell ’62
Jo Ann Brazelton ’68
Lacy MarschalkBrecciaroli ’05
Thomas Joseph Brecciaroli ’03
Joel Lance Brelsford ’93
Laura Marie Tyree Brelsford ’05
Frances Cooper Bricken ’67
John B. Bricken Jr. ’67
Claire Elexandria Bridges ’11
Gary Earl Bridges ’77
Jane Jenkins Bridges ’78
Meghan Emily Bridges ’11
Patricia Britton ’52
Judith W. Broadway ’63
Billie Wingard Brown ’70
Bowdy J. Brown ’83
Brendon Brahmed Brown ’16
*Donald G. Brown ’58
Edward A. Brown III ’68
Elijah Jaylen Brown ’23
Jhavonn Miguel Brown ’14
Kristen Morrison Brown ’11
Nancy Keith Brown ’83
Octavia Pendleton Brown ’16
Pearle King Brown ’61
Phillip Felton Brown ’72
Spencer VanDement Brown ’15
Philip L. Browning ’69
Ian Donald Bruggeman ’23
Daniele Funderburk Bruhn ’75
Terry Glenn Bryant ’81
Maryetta Propst Buchanan ’62
* The Estate of Elia Durr Buck ’50
Amanda Lynn Buckelew ’01
John William Buford ’22
Debra Anne Burdeshaw ’21
Catherine Fralish Burke ’60
Marsha Fleming Burke ’79
Kaitlyn Carlton Burks ’13
Richard M. Burr ’61
Jeffrey Alan Burroughs ’96
Kathryn Prestwood Bush ’67
Beverly Catherine Butler ’82
Heather Jones Butler ’14
Rhett Sim Butler ’13
Nancy Plunkett Byers ’73
Carolyn Byrd Dwyer ’89
Gloria Bland Byrd ’67
Hazel Patricia Byrd ’65
Madison C Caffee ’23
Elizabeth Annalea Jones Cagle ’07
Eric Jordan Cagle ’08
Steven Douglas Caldwell ’72
Angelia C. Cale ’79
Rae Venable Calvert ’53
Ashley Rowe Campbell ’11
R. Dawn Campbell ’69
James Ryan Campion ’23
Leura Garrett Canary ’78
Gavin Spencer Carey ’14
Renee Byrd Carlisle ’76
* Estate of Ann Carlisle Carmichael ’85
Candace LaPearl Carnegie ’21
Anne Bennett Carpenter ’65
Betty Burleson Carpenter ’65
Laura Bowden Carpenter ’77
Brantley Colvin Carr ’16
Jennifer Martin Carroll ’89
Leanne Mallory Carroll ’05
Sarah Francis Carroll ’10
Shaun Wesley Carroll ’00
Brendon Scout Carson ’20
Candy Joselyn Martinez Carson ’20
Savana Elaine Carter ’23
John Samuel Cason ’23
Robert A. Cason ’75
Joan Thomas Castille ’59
Emily Davis Cato ’62
Erin Elizabeth Cembrale ’23
Tyler Matthew Chaffee ’15
Janet Malinda Chambless ’95
Christopher Mark Champion ’92
George Madison Champion Jr. ’72
Joshua James Chance ’23
Anjala Pahan Chandrasoma ’21
Vidyani Suramya Chandrasoma ’02
Lucinda Smilie Chappelle ’79
Kenneth Thomson Chastain ’99
Madison Elizabeth Chastain ’23
Ragan Brackin Chastain ’00
Katherine Liddon Chatowski ’61
Mary Calhoun Chesney ’65
Jimmy Childers ’66
Graham Robert Childree ’18
Judy Goodwin Chipman ’65
Barbara Whatley Christenberry ’78
Deidra VanLandingham Christie ’66
Elizabeth Frank Cichostepski ’04
Sarah Anne Young Clark ’63
Arielle Barraca Clark ’15
Christopher William Clark ’07
Eric Lee Clark ’15
Kelly Lynn Frazier Clark ’10
Nolan Scott Clark ’17
Randy W. Clark ’80
Susan Randol Clark ’71
Victoria Ann Krupa Clark ’17
* Ouida Faye Atkins Clayton ’60
Georgianna Hunt Clemmons ’16
Robert Mitchell Clemmons ’14
Berrell Lance Cobb ’13
Ralph Edward Cobb Jr. ’78
Walton Thomas Cobb ’16
Nancy Johnson Coburn ’72
Morris Wayne Cochran ’76
Anna Blair Cockrell ’19
Cathryn Coker ’79
Alexander Cole ’22
Ann Jeffords Cole ’70
D’Ereka Lasha Coleman ’23
H. Randal Coleman ’67
Lynn Franz Coleman ’68
Joe R. Colley ’62
Gloria Ann McCurdy Collier ’60
Opal Lovett Collier ’72
Sheliah Jeffcoat Cole Collins ’97
Robert Wheeler Colquett III ’93
Mark McDuffee Colson ’07
Audrianna Hargitt Coman ’17
Allison Walden Combs ’98
Kati Bryant Conners ’12
Dr. Alexandra E. Acosta Conniff ’92
Kelsey McGuire Conrick ’15
Dewey Jackson Conville ’98
Donna Brannon Coon ’64
Sheryl Elizabeth Cooper ’72
Walter E. Cooper ’60
Betty Seale Fields Copeland ’67
Lee Hall Copeland Jr. ’10
Mary Cleveland Corbitt ’72
Walter J. Corbitt ’71
Ann Andrews Corgill ’66
Gerald Paul Corgill ’65
Myles Owen Cornett ’23
Coleman Kidd Cosgrove ’06
Emily Webster Cosgrove ’07
Adam Johnson Cotant ’09
Brittany Gaydosh Cotant ’08
Landon Kyle Cotney ’23
Gail Robinson Cotton ’69
Laura Langley Covington ’91
Carolyn Glenn Cowles ’57
LeAnn Holifield Cox ’93
Keirstin Cramer ’22
James Benjamin Craven Jr. ’86
Christina Tompkins Crawford ’47
Sally Hemstreet Crawford ’74
Katie Svela Crews ’06
Jordan Keith Criswell ’16
Charles M. Croft ’68
Myrtle Peters Crone ’56
Kelly McCollum Crosby ’92
Molly Rice Cross ’84
Patrick McDaniel Cross ’81
Tyler Patrick Cross ’15
Amanda Reid Crowell ’21
Mary Carolyn Phillips Crowell ’90
Susan Elizabeth Tudor Crowther ’91
Peggy Parsons Crum ’70
Hillary Paige Crumbley ’14
Phillip E. Crunk ’63
Carolyn Ann Ragan Crutchfield ’65
William Earl Crutchfield ’65
Joan Paine Cumbie ’84
Seth Calvin Currie ’13
June Pavelec Cutchins ’80
Leah Marie Cuthriell-Dawkins ’07
Naomi Goodson Cyrus ’82
Debbie Doss Dahl ’79
Angela Marie Bryant Dainas ’07
Brandon Ross Dainas ’07
Martha Maxey D’Angelo ’65
Linda C. Daniel ’71
Martha Rebecca Daniel ’79
Alyssa Miche McCurry Daniels ’14
Billy Ray Daniels ’85
James Lewis Daniels Jr. ’11
Luther Charles Daniels III ’08
* Bobbie Dannelly ’61
Theresa Gentle Davidson ’93
Abrianna Amore Davis ’23
Andrew Glen Davis ’10
Ann Mays Davis ’57
Annie Carol Davis ’54
Carla Goodson Davis ’92
Jane Solomon Davis ’59
Kayra White Davis ’13
Lane Edward Davis ’03
Laura Sanders Davis ’03
Leslie Burson Davis ’75
Linda Fitzpatrick Davis ’65
Martha Pugh Davis ’61
Ronald Pershing Davis ’66
Stephen Kirven Davis ’97
William Ira Davis ’94
Janis Houston Hand Davison ’60
Robin Speight Davy ’65
* Estate of Emily Elizabeth Dawson ’91
Beverly Smith Dean ’73
Daniel Johnson Dean ’01
Dexter Nathanael Dean ’13
Jeffery Lamar Dean ’88
Julia Ann Deas ’68
Barbara Waters Dekle ’71
Margaret Thomas DeMars ’00
Caitlyn Elizabeth DeMouy ’12
John Lide Denny Jr. ’96
Paige Desmond ’19
Mavis LeighAnn Floyd DiCesaris ’10
Misty Price Dishman ’22
Thomas G. Dismukes Jr. ’83
Joan Johnston Diversi ’57
Sue Cleverdon Dixon ’67
Shirley Crawford Dorrough ’68
Carol Nicholson Douglas ’80
Marion Earl Dowling ’66
Michael Dowling ’66
Barbara Pinson Dozier ’67
Hunter Kesler Dreaden ’16
Kristi DuBose ’86
Noel Russell Dudley ’65
Belinda Goris Duett ’00
LeVert Jackson Duke Jr. ’89
Laura Hinds Duncan ’94
Cherie Pinkerton Durfee-Smith ’66
Jacquelyn Hodges Earnest ’64
* Ann Bonner Eckelbarger ’56
Rachael Phillips Eddings ’13
Cynthia Meagan Edgar ’23
Doris Sanford Edwards ’55
Leann Bowdoin Edwards ’01
Robert B. Edwards ’67
Ginger Graves Eich ’60
W. Foster Eich III ’60
Robert Thomas Eichhorn ’14
Donna Weinstein Eick ’74
Patricia Snyder Eiland ’69
Kay Gomillion Elam ’76
Kyle Jordan Eller ’10
Caroline Elizabeth Elliot ’23
Lawrence R. Elliott ’68
Nancy Stallings Elliott ’71
Evelyn Conner Ellis ’50
Taber Mack Ellis ’07
Louisa Moore Elmore ’84
Clausen Ely ’68
Winifred Morris Ely ’67
Floyd Carson Enfinger Jr. ’74
Sally Hudson Engstrom ’57
Hugh Raymond Evans IV ’12
Dale Baxter Evans ’76
Jessica Ruth Sharker Evans ’11
Robert Alston Farquhar ’15
Sherry Leigh Lacey Farquhar ’13
David Faulkenberry ’86
Sara Dean Faulkenberry ’88
Jewell Moore Ferguson ’63
Teresa Metcalf Ferrell ’69
Suzanne Repnicki Fickey ’71
Paul B. Fields Jr. ’64
Allison Renee Fisher ’23
George H. Fitzgerald ’54
Lucile Delchamps Fleming ’57
Carl Flowers Jr. ’63
Rose Marie Floyd ’72
Helen Brown Flynn ’47
Curtis Forbus ’02
Tonya Blankenship Forbus ’03
Josephine Golson Foshee ’73
Jack Fowler ’57
Jane Johnson Fowler ’54
Virginia Holly Fraley ’62
*Donald C. France ’69
Teresa Smith Francis ’80
Addison Fuller Franklin ’21
Tony Glenn Franklin ’84
Diane Baugh Fraser ’87
Daniel J. Freehling ’72
Dana Jerkins Freeman ’67
Allie M. Freeman Jr. ’62
Judy Bullock Freeman ’62
Julie Womble Freeman ’08
Robert Mel Freeman ’67
Debra A. Freisleben ’79
Joyce Payne French ’55
Frederick Allen Frost ’81
Sarah Ann Mowbray Fulcher ’01
Ann Veazey Fuller ’72
Heather Megan Fuller-Khassian ’00
Casey Malone Maugh Funderburk ’00
Kyle Landon Futral ’07
Abigail Ruth Gabriel ’23
Billy D. Gaither ’55
Jeanne Bailey Gamble ’65
James Thomas Gardiner Jr. ’15
Jean Maddox Garner ’62
Jimmy Ray Garnett ’88
Deborah Giglio Garrett ’75
Linda Lee Garrett ’94
Michelle L. Garrett ’98
Ernest Gerald Garrick ’65
Sue Russell Garrick ’64
Colleen Garrick-Bisacca ’88
Sam Garrison ’18
Charlotte DuBose Gaston ’69
Alicia Nicole Gauker ’16
E. June Gay ’68
Jane Bass Geloneck ’84
Addison Elaine Genard ’21
* Betty Perry Gibson ’54
George Gregory Gilbert ’81
Logan Nelson Gildea ’19
Dodie Scherf Glowa ’61
Anthony Michael Gocella ’95
Molly McDermott Gocella ’00
Jacob Miller Godwin ’07
Michelle Montgomery Goebel ’92
Sarah Frye Goff ’60
Susan Sweatt Moon Goldthwaite ’86
Suzanne Golson ’07
Lori Fishbaugh Gonzalez ’85
Gene Brindley Goodger ’59
Susan Smith Goodwin ’74
Allison Vuyovich Gordon ’12
Allison Ruggles Gore ’73
Alton Douglas Gorum Jr. ’04
Ashley Dubuque Gorum ’03
Elizabeth Frances Gowan ’02
Anne Bartolucci Graham ’99
Charles E. Graham ’58
Jason Stuart Graham ’99
Julie Stanton Graham ’03
Eugenia Davis Granberry ’65
Rose Garrett Grant ’61
Janeene Smith Gravlee ’51
Charles M. Gray III ’71
Jacob Christian Gray ’23
Terri Peoples Gray ’78
Ann Steiner Hamilton Gregory ’01
Ashley Bonner Gresham ’13
Tyler Gresham ’14
Elizabeth Ann Chapura Griffin ’83
Janet Lenz Griffin ’81
Elizabeth Ann McLain Grimes ’06
Martha Fouts Gund ’65
Nicholas Ryan Haas ’17
Nicholas Hunter Hadley ’23
Hayley Rebecca Haggard ’21
Jean Mathison Hahle ’62
John M. Haigler ’63
Shirley Hales ’76
Faye Byrd Hall ’59
Jeffrey Allen Hall ’86
Kaye Bethune Hall ’68
Margaret Pittman Hall ’65
Patty Colvin Hall ’57
Nancy Small Halsell ’90
Lisa Dixon Hamilton ’78
Nancy Carmack Hammett ’68
Jonathan Albert Hand ’99
George Mathews Handey ’74
Roxanne D. Hannon-Odom ’75
Renee Cheney Hardy ’79
Arthur F. Harman ’53
Christian Harmon ’10
LeAnna Michelle Harper ’23
Andrew Tarvin Harrell ’11
Christian Vick Harrell ’12
Jon Layton Harrelson ’17
Laural Anthony Harrelson ’17
Brandon Lyn Harris ’07
Camille Landrum Harris ’63
Katherine Wilkinson Harris ’74
Morgan Elizabeth Harris ’19
William Marks Harris ’83
Ann Butler Harrison ’68
Jessica Lyerly Harrison ’14
Katlyn Mackenzie Harrison ’23
H. Clayton Harshbarger Jr. ’68
Marcia Nichols Harshbarger ’69
Courtney Paige Harville ’17
Betty Kimbrough Hastings ’51
Rebecca Jones Haston ’65
Ellen Evans Haulman ’75
Debra Ashworth Hawkins ’76
Robert B. Hawkins ’74
Kendall Causby Haws ’18
Peyton Hill Haws ’19
Michael William Hawthorne ’93
Angelyn Bryant Hayes ’86
Jerome Scott Hayes ’88
Tonsiaweda Yvonne Gilmore Hayes ’75
Jennings Haynes ’02
Richard Leonard Haynes Jr. ’92
Lacey Garrison Haynes ’94
Lawrence F. Hays Jr. ’72
David A. Head ’76
Claire Rogers Peacock Helms ’62
John Wayne Helms ’61
Christianne Ashton Henderson ’63
Leslie Callaway Henderson ’81
Jennifer Cain Hendrick ’64
Janice Woolf Hendrickson ’65
Jorge Eduardo Henriquez ’23
James Van Henry ’81
Christopher Steven Hering ’19
Andi Jesus Hernandez-Tadeo ’23
LaDonna Gilbreath Herrera ’76
Josephine Elizabeth Hester ’23
Diane Parkman Hett ’71
David Hicks ’86
Elizabeth Cumming Hight ’74
Barbara Clark Hill ’56
Madeleine M. Hill ’69
James Larry Hinds ’63
Melinda Caprara Hinds ’87
Louis Gerard Hines ’13
Barbara Farmer Hingle ’54
CaTeriusLe’Frank Hinton ’20
Lauren Taylor Hinton ’23
Judith Ann Hissong ’88
William Malcolm Hodgson IV ’13
Shelby Robinson Hodgson ’14
Randall Marvin Holcombe ’86
Rose Mary Fannin Holder ’75
Mary Harris Holland ’65
Brandy Milstead Hollingsworth ’08
Jacob Wesley Hollingsworth ’13
Marybeth Grace Wheatley Hollingsworth ’12
Jordan Ashley Hollis ’23
Sandra Solomon Holman ’61
Zachary Wayne Holmes ’06
Jacob Todd Holston ’23
Pearline Patterson Holston ’85
*Ann Given Hopper ’53
Bessie F. House-Soremekun ’78
Jane Jeffords Houston ’66
Beverly Burnett Howard ’81
Conner Alexander Howard ’20
Wanda Annett Howard ’81
Ashley Dobbs Hubbard ’03
Jane Colvin Hubbard ’55
Joseph Lister Hubbard Jr. ’03
Joan Jolly Huckaby ’64
Christopher Ross Huckle ’11
Daniel Wilmer Hudson ’87
David Hudson Jr. ’81
Sharon Sheppard Hudson ’86
Jane Knox Huff ’57
Paige Adair Huff ’08
Judy Lee Hughes ’78
Martha Hatcher Hughes ’68
Amy Beard Hulsey ’90
Elizabeth Wells Hunt ’61
John Wesley Hunt ’89
Han Saem Hur ’14
Florence Furlow Hurst ’53
Derrick Terrell Hurt ’09
Allison Adams Hutcherson ’74
Rona Maria Mock Hutchison ’00
Sigrid Hansen Hyman ’56
Morgan Allynn Ilsley ’23
Stacey Carr Ingram ’92
Caroline Jackson ’64
Cynthia Carr Jackson ’85
Farrah Rachelle Mahan Jackson ’16
Gloria Storm McWhorter Jackson ’15
Linda Pearson Jackson ’72
Nancy McLeod Jackson ’10
David Morris James III ’16
Janice McLain James ’69
Judith McNease James ’59
Richard A. James ’67
Rosemary Suits Jarrard ’55
Halie Wilma Michele Jasinski ’23
Jeffery Shawn Jenkins ’12
Virginia Christman Jennings ’71
Mary George Jester ’68
Grace McLemore Jeter ’96
Katherine Jones Jeter ’13
Mary Green Johns ’60
Ann Warren Johnson ’61
Brittany Shunta Johnson ’23
Debbie Susan Rice Johnson ’66
Garrison Robert Johnson ’12
KirktaviousJerrvon Johnson ’12
Margaret Johnson ’68
Orson L. Johnson ’68
Philip J. Johnson ’69
Willie Ray Johnson ’65
David L. Johnston ’97
Khanna Johnston ’97
J. Huntie Hall Jokinen ’66
Elizabeth Bricken Jones ’65
Jasmine Cardwell Jones ’19
Kimberly Keith Jones ’01
Rebecca Bloxham Jones ’55
Stephanie Wise Jones ’81
Andrew Gaines Jordan ’22
Laurel Meier Jordan ’96
Emily Preston Joseph ’75
Lloyd V. Julian ’68
Kathryn Christine Brown Kalnes ’02
Betty Pickard Kaucher ’68
Audrey Gryder Kauders ’74
Lyn Wilbert Keaster ’79
Katrina Keefer ’95
Doris Fain Keene ’69
James Wesley Kelly ’98
Samantha Clements Kelly ’00
Chandler Jordan Kemp ’17
Jennifer B. Kendrick ’92
Cambree Leigh Kennedy ’21
Ann Manry Kenyon ’57
Carolyn Darden Key ’68
Saundra Bozeman Kidd ’68
Eric Allen Kidwell ’01
Linda Wall Killinger ’84
Shuandra Nicole Duff Kimbrough ’08
Emily Dueitt Kincaid ’06
Britni Leigh Northington King ’12
Donna McCourry King ’67
Jacob Logan King ’11
Beth Anderson Kingry ’88
Gipson Mark Kingry ’87
Judy Watson Kingry ’62
Carolyn Ready Vedder Kinman ’82
John Paul Kircher ’11
Jan Puckett Kirkemier ’65
* Lenore Oglesby Kirkpatrick ’56
Claudia Sanderson Kirkwood ’65
Kenneth Francis Klinger ’00
Amy Woodard Klugh ’96
Heidi Yvonne Knecht ’16
Margaret Ward Kneisel ’71
Christopher Knight ’10
Sheridan LeeAnn Cahoon Knight ’17
Gerald Wayne Knupp II ’95
Martha Barnum Kopec ’85
Karen Dee Koza ’71
Amanda Leigh Pickard Kraft ’04
Kurt Destin Kraft II ’23
* William G. Kraft ’64
Mary Jo Reed Krauss ’52
Lauren Condon Kucera ’17
Patrick Mitchell Kucera ’16
Garrett Kull ’18
Mindy Bevan La Branche ’05
Robert Wesley La Branche ’06
W. Russell Lackey ’68
Catherine Giglio Lamar ’59
Minnie Lamberth ’83
Addison Luke Lambeth ’17
Kyle Hugh Lancaster ’17
Taylor Blackwell Lancaster ’17
Barbara Taylor Landwehr ’59
Joy Clark Langley ’63
Elizabeth Walker Lanier ’56
Lennie T. Lankford ’60
Stephanie Louise Adams Lankford ’74
Amanda Paige Lathem ’13
Janet McGee Law ’72
* Anna Hartzog Lawrence ’69
Christopher Scott Lawrence ’98
Kathy McLeod Lawrence ’79
Linda Laye ’84
Madison Jackson Laye ’12
Steven Brock Laye ’10
Charles Marion Lee ’68
Charles W. Lee ’62
Jenifer M. Lee ’93
Phebe Eloise Mason Lee ’69
Spencer Darrell Lee ’90
Stacie Lynn Stroud Lee ’17
Mollie Hamilton Leger ’19
Barbara Rodkey Lehman ’90
James Russell Lester ’15
Eugene M. Lewis ’64
Kimberly Ann Lewis ’89
Lydia Lewis ’22
Merry Talley Lewis ’64
Roosevelt Lewis ’75
Thaddeus William Lievens ’23
Thomas Scott Limbaugh ’03
Cynthia K. Broome Lindsay ’81
Elizabeth D. Lipscomb ’50
Erwin Josef Lischke ’64
Brianna McClure Lisenby ’13
Woods Bradshaw Lisenby ’11
Carol Fields Loeb ’90
* Brenda J. Logan ’93
Farrys Rose Long ’54
Jordan Taylor Long ’15
Shirin Torabinejad Long ’15
Charlene Tew Lord ’71
Carolann Owen Lovett ’67
James I. Lucas ’74
James W. Lumley Jr. ’69
Lindy J. Lunkenheimer ’06
Hannah Howard Lynch ’17
Lester Mack Jr. ’93
Gatra Reid Mallard ’57
Anna Katherine Mallini ’06
Caitlin Victoria Malone ’11
James W. Malone ’61
Alexandria Michelle Manning ’17
Barbara Jones Manning ’50
Donna Marietta ’81
Jane A. Marks ’68
Elizabeth Hinson Marschall ’90
Bernard A. Martin ’00
Cynthia Farrow Martin ’94
Domonique Marie Martin ’11
Dylan Thomas Martin ’18
Larry W. Martin ’67
Mary Frances Miles Martin ’18
Molly Dunn Martin ’73
Peggy Screws Massey ’80
John Ed Mathison ’60
Joyce Bottoms Mathison ’61
Brittany Deanne Dubose Matthews ’04
Michael Bryan Matthews ’99
Erin Ofe Mauldin ’12
Stuart T. May III ’68
Christopher Mayer ’22
Miriam Liddell McCarty ’90
Joan Ann McClure ’69
Mary Barnette McClurkin ’69
Maegan Ashley McCollum ’10
Alyssa Kate Eason McCormick ’12
Frances Parker McCrary ’62
Sheila McCurdy ’66
Kristin Faye McDaniel ’11
Michael C. McDaniel ’76
Araminta Robson McDavid ’75
R. Neil McDavid ’69
Patricia Harris McDonald ’54
Carrie Elizabeth McDonough ’01
Y. Mark McElreath ’60
Linda Mason McEwan ’66
Iris McGehee ’57
Zachary Mark McGrady ’17
Mary Kathleen McGuffey ’94
HallieGrace Muncher McKenzie ’17
Melissa Burkett McKie ’00
Martha L. Killebrew McKim ’73
Beverly Gordy McKinney ’70
Reese H. McKinney Jr. ’72
Ellie C. McKissick ’61
Lawrence Underwood McLemore ’04
Betty Thurman McMahon ’64
Kathryn Love McMaken ’72
Barbara L. McMullen ’78
George William McNeilly ’21
Frances Gustavia Daily McPherson ’51
Betty Farrar McQueen ’70
Tim McQueen ’69
Martha Law McWhorter ’80
Faye Teal Meadows ’78
Marcus Christopher Melton ’91
Kali Anne Sands Meyer ’14
Richard Craig Miller Jr. ’06
Christina Vranich Miller ’04
Kaleigh Noel Miller ’23
Kay Kennedy Miller ’64
Margaret Wendland Miller ’95
Steven Alexander Miller ’96
Sallie Wood Millsap ’49
George E. Mingledorff III ’70
Patricia Tanner Mingledorff ’68
Sarah McCarthy Mingledorff ’69
Anne White Mitchell ’70
Ira Charles Mitchell Jr. ’69
June Clora Mitchell ’06
Madison Harris Mitchell ’19
Suzanne Michelle Mock ’12
Zachary Tyler Moenter ’23
Leah Claire Nesbitt Mogadam ’05
Cheryl Ellen Monday ’79
Eugene Montgomery ’67
James Harold Moody ’92
Amber Renee’ Moon ’23
Casey Madison Clayton Mooneyham ’01
Dana Nix Moore ’88
Marsha Kirk Moore ’74
Thomas F. Moore ’73
M. Stephen Morris ’73
Madeline Nichols Moseley ’72
Merritt W. Moseley Jr. ’70
Richard L. Moses ’61
John Stanley Mosher ’99
Barry D. Moss ’88
Marilyn Beason Motley ’61
Judy Williams Moulton ’78
Linda Davis Muehlberger ’70
Charlotte Cooper Mullinax ’03
James M. Mungenast ’71
Mary Sheets Mungenast ’73
Dee Wright Munger ’65
Elizabeth Glavan Munoz ’05
Maureen Kendrick Murphy ’78
Jean Carpenter Murray ’69
David Coleman Muzio ’11
Alyssa Myers ’22
David G. Myrick ’67
Nancy Brown Myrick ’67
Kamea Beatrice Nash ’23
Megan-Rhea Lewis Nash ’15
Harry E. Neel Jr. ’70
Carol Christopher Nelson ’02
Gary Dwayne Nelson Jr. ’09
Amy Crew Netherland ’02
Khalil DeJuan Nettles ’23
Albert A. Newman ’60
Allison Keck Nichols ’10
Brent Daniel Nichols ’08
Jane McIntyre Nichols ’69
Bronwyn Bothfeld Nickles ’73
Emily Jane Nieuwstraten ’23
Julie Denise Nightengale ’06
Anderson Nan Nolan ’22
Alana Kristin Norris ’10
Dianne Merrell Norwood ’66
Judith Wilson Nunn ’59
Anna Marie Nutting ’22
*Shirley Thrash Nystrom ’53
Bobbie Garner O’Connor ’67
Joseph Odom ’14
Edward E. O’Donnell ’60
Alexis Rae Ofe ’17
Daniel Patton Ogle ’01
J. Clarke Oldham ’93
Susan Brubaker Oldham ’91
Angela Morris Olliff ’93
Jon Michael Olliff ’91
Linda Olsen ’87
Elaine Brock Olson ’61
Michele Scharff Olson ’86
Victoria SidarisOrnowski ’63
Christine Whiten Osborne ’11
Jordan Tyler Osborne ’12
Susan Whitaker Owen ’70
Hannah Pace ’22
Laura Paddock ’05
Cameron Page ’22
Kennedy Harp Page ’23
Samuel Jacob Page ’23
Mollie Alice Adams Palileo ’09
Nancy Grantham Palmer ’67
Michael Anthony Panariello Jr. ’23
Peter Charles Panus ’79
Sydney Ann Parfait ’23
* Johanna Heythekker Parker ’64
Peggy Sewell Parker ’63
Rhyann Davis Parker ’15
T. Grant Parker Sr. ’76
Kathy Regina Paschal ’97
Sandra Brill Passmore ’87
Helen Cleondis Patronis ’58
Ann McKinley Patterson ’69
Herbert Patterson ’71
Hunter Michael Pattison ’14
Carrie Sue Cabaniss Paxton ’10
Aleah Brianne Payne ’12
Coretta Askew Pearson ’01
Quintez La’zenta Pearson ’20
William Peck ’70
Judith Womack Peek ’65
Laurel Paige McCoy Peek ’79
Samuel Peek ’78
Kathleen Michelle Penney ’15
Peggy Springfield Pennington ’59
Daniel A. Penny ’85
Felicia Alexis Peoples ’18
Quintarious Marquez Perdue ’13
Terri Turman Pernia ’79
Mary-Stewart Hinds Perry ’17
*Sara Stembridge Perry ’54
James Kevin Pettit ’90
Kelly Whatley Pettit ’91
Carolyn Tingen Philips ’57
Christopher Wade Phillips ’07
John Francis Phillips ’14
Laura Shannon Cheney Phillips ’07
Mary Cameron Raybon Phillips ’14
Robert N. Phillips ’67
Susan Phillips ’67
William Marshall Pickard ’92
Kerigan Addie Pickett ’21
Garrick Antonio Pimienta Jr. ’17
McDowell Davis Pinckard ’12
Gabriel Pittman ’23
Jacob Daniel Pitts ’22
Suzanne Drinkard Plemmons ’66
Evelyn Ann Hutzler Pope ’90
Gene Mathew Pope ’88
J. Ben Porter ’68
Kenneth Franklin Porter ’19
Jaqaevius Porter-Scott ’22
Dylan Wallace Powell ’21
Kathleen Allen Powell ’70
Zola Smith Powers ’58
Clarence Crenshaw Pritchett IV ’92
Leslie Vaughan Pruitt ’85
John David Prunkl ’87
Frederick L. Pryor ’63
John Barr Pugh ’78
Nancy A. Pugh ’62
Jeff Pulliam ’68
Karen Martin Pulliam ’67
Janice Ruth Pylant ’73
Debra Denise Rainer ’95
Alec Ryne Raley ’16
Peter K. Ransom ’68
Valda Clark Ratcliffe ’54
Dana Drawbaugh Raybon ’02
Allyce Sikes Read ’90
Joe Dewitt Read ’88
Jeffrey Roe Reamer ’09
Jessica Reeves Reamer ’09
Catherine West Redding ’74
Charlene Gray Reed ’68
Hollie Elisabeth Worley Reed ’02
Marcia Mathews Reichert ’59
Amber Louise Renauld ’02
Amy Ruth Renfro ’74
Donna Yates Reynolds ’87
Suzanne Wendland Rhodes ’80
Ansley Callaway Rice ’75
Herbert William Rice ’74
Michael Rich ’82
William S. Richardson III ’65
Melba Bolton Richardson ’68
Haleigh Nicole Ridgeway ’20
Sarah Emma Riggs ’67
Mary Harrell Riley ’58
Natalie Ritchey ’23
Henry E. Roberts ’65
Jane Strange Roberts ’64
Randie Caroline Caine Roberts ’20
Bill Robertson ’72
Joshua Aaron Robertson ’10
Joyce McClendon Robertson ’55
Barbara Vinson Robinson ’62
Brenda Godbold Robinson ’73
James Nathan Robinson ’04
Ludie Robinson ’62
Bria Rochelle-Stephens ’18
Jennifer Gaston Rodopoulos ’88
Stephen Kelly Rodopoulos ’90
Jonathan Ashton Rodriguez ’12
Ciera Simone Rogers ’19
Dorothy Dunbar Rogers ’78
Dottie Lovelady Rogers ’75
David T. Rogers Jr. ’58
Martha Still Rogers ’59
Marie McClendon Root ’67
Shirley Kelly Rose ’60
Eric Koin Ross ’92
Beth Neville Roth ’60
Jennifer Cornelius Rouse ’06
LaNelle Andrews Rowe ’48
William E. Roy Jr. ’67
Laura Gastinger Roy ’64
Celia Smith Rudolph ’80
Judy Ray Russell ’71
Savannah Rae Ryan ’21
Tarique Ryan ’23
Cecil F. Ryland ’63
Mallorie Richardson Saling ’14
Dianne Williams Salter ’60
John D. Salter ’61
Laura Ashton Salter ’12
Martha Brown Salter ’67
Robert W. Salter ’65
Ellen B. Keldorph Sanders ’62
Thomas E. Sanders Jr. ’61
Victor A. Sanders ’68
Ashley Shay Roberson Sandlin ’16
Norman Russell Sandlin ’15
Carol SindersineSandvi ’73
Laina Elizabeth Sansom ’22
Allison Houston Miller Sauls ’72
* Charles B. Savage ’65
William Parvin Sawyer ’67
Dawn M. Schloss ’00
Chastity Nicole Fowler Schlossman ’08
William David Schreyer ’89
Emily Slaughter Schuttenberg ’02
Aimee Ault Scott ’02
Vivian Scott ’23
Andrea Irby Screws ’93
Carmen Christa Boone Seal ’95
* Turner C. Seale ’67
Thomas Jacob Seales ’07
William David Seals ’10
Delaine Patrick Seamon ’73
Kevin Seamon ’74
Larry A. Seamon ’71
George M. Sedberry ’76
Melanie Beard Sedberry ’71
Sharon Freathy Segars ’90
Betty Menefee Segrest ’64
Philip Dale Segrest ’64
Rebecca Bibb Segrest ’64
Nancy Strange Seib ’61
Karl Stanley Self Sr. ’66
Amanda Whitehead Senn ’04
Jeff B. Sessions III ’69
Mary Blackshear Sessions ’69
Gina Scoville Seton ’84
Ryan Patrick Sewell ’21
Anne Dismukes Shackelford ’65
Jan Shackelford ’85
John Paul Shank ’85
Chad Lee Shannon ’98
Donald G. Shannon ’59
Martha Harris Shannon ’55
Holly Sharp ’23
Carolyn West Shelton ’57
Steven Melton Shiflett ’72
Susan Carroll Shiflett ’72
Amber Kaitlyn Shirley ’20
Joanne Miner Shoemaker ’70
April McCarty Shores ’93
Ryan Ashby Shores ’98
Ione Burford Sibley ’50
J. Jeannette Siegers ’78
Carolyn Rebecca Simmons ’00
Cole Simmons ’23
David W. Simpson ’84
Alyssa Leigh Singleterry ’19
Patricia Lynn Skene ’77
Virginia Dumas Skillman ’52
Christy Michele Jones Sloan ’10
John Lloyd Sloan ’11
Neil R. Smart Jr. ’66
Nan Turner Smart ’68
James Kenneth Smith III ’14
Kelly Armstrong Smith ’00
Ann Sutton Smith ’59
Barbara Lynn Smith ’79
Dalis Caroline Smith ’20
Forrest Landon Smith ’00
Gary Kale Smith ’23
Hollen Hartzog Smith ’03
Jackie Edward Smith ’10
Jacob Lee Smith ’21
Jeffrey W. Smith ’68
Peggy Davidson Smith ’67
Robyn Luker Smith ’86
Rudolph Trey Smith ’14
Sunny Harris Smith ’65
Susan Quinn Smith ’66
Tommie Hudgens Smith ’86
Yarisa D. Smith ’78
Elizabeth Couey Smithart ’86
Carol Faulkner Smyser ’84
Margaret Nicholas Snellgrove ’52
Valerie Link Snoderly ’86
Sarabeth Owens Snuggs ’77
Lindora Wisham Snyder ’69
* Flora McDonald Speed ’58
Lester Harden Spencer III ’15
Jayson Spencer ’23
Stephen L. Spencer ’72
Ryan Spradley ’23
Emma Spurlin ’23
Miles Killian Stading ’19
Winifred Lightfoot Stakely ’66
Anthony C. Stallworth ’78
Eugene E. Stanaland ’60
Brett Allen Steele ’92
Patricia Hines Steele ’58
Allison Stegall ’23
Nancy Carol Bryan Steingrandt ’69
Jeffrey A. Stephens ’78
Rebecca Acuff Sternenberg ’68
Robert E. Sternenberg ’67
Patricia Stevens ’86
Eliza Langille Stewart ’18
Lucy Williams Stewart ’71
Hope Gaither Stockton ’87
E. Alexander Stokes III ’80
Stephanie Mann Stokes ’68
Melanie Scarbrough Stokley ’63
W. Lloyd Strickland ’86
Eric McKenzie Stuart ’99
Lorraine Elizabeth Stuedeman ’93
Charles B. Stults ’68
Katherine Ruth Sullivan ’19
Laura Burford Sullivan ’61
Betty Moore Summerlin ’70
Brenda (Bunny) Cox Suplit ’78
Karen Lynn Sweatt ’85
Cheyenne Young Tampary ’14
Constantine Theodore Tampary ’12
Marissa Tanaka ’23
Holly Anderson Tate ’92
Penny Campbell Tate ’65
Keith Lavender Taylor ’18
Letitia Mary Meadows Taylor ’54
Dorris Teague ’73
Elizabeth Logan Tedder ’13
Domenic Terrell ’23
Carol Morse Tew ’68
Alice Tompkins Thalheimer ’51
Melody Gray Tholstrup ’86
Barbara Brock Thomas ’68
Barbara Farrington Thomas ’53
Joe Henry Thomas ’17
Linda McLeod Thomas ’69
ShaonicaStanae Thomas ’21
Frances Thomason ’87
Elizabeth Osborne Thompson ’68
Hannah Marie Johnson Thompson ’18
Tristan Blaine Thompson ’18
John Taylor Thornhill ’06
Robin Steele Thornhill ’05
Mary Hardin Mitchell Thornton ’91
Alton William Thrash Jr. ’17
Alexis Clegorne Tibbetts ’74
James (Chuck) Wallace Tidmore IV ’15
Anne Henry Tidmore ’63
Tyler Joseph Tierney ’13
Beppy LeCroy Tiller ’66
Annette Kennedy Tingle ’63
Frances Banks Tisdale ’66
Mary Elizabeth Johnson Tolleson ’54
Charles G. Tomberlin ’60
Amanda Houston Toole ’12
John Blake Toole ’07
Kathryn Booth Towry-Iburg ’73
Jamesia Shealey Trammell ’91
Michael K. Trawick ’82
Taylor Louise King Trouillot ’13
Christine Spivey Truett ’11
Jonathan Corey Truett ’99
Barbara Parker Turner ’67
Emily Beth Turner ’03
Jacqueline Robinson Turner ’01
Jasmine Nicole Turner ’11
James E. Turner Jr. ’72
Rian Morgan Turner ’00
Susann Woodbery Turner ’67
Mary Ann Mannich Underwood ’62
Alexander Francois Vainstein ’20
Charlotte Dobbins Van Erman ’67
Patsy K. Vandergrift ’93
Michelle Hutchison Vanderwall ’80
Betty McCoy Vaughan ’58
Anna Vaughn ’22
Megan Nicole Ventry ’21
Sebastian Carl Verger ’23
Barbara Provost Veronese ’70
Carolyn Hamilton Vice ’60
Elizabeth Till Wade ’69
Lisa Paschall Wainwright ’84
Raymond M. Wainwright ’84
Daniel Lee Walden ’68
Janiece Tinnell Waldrop ’90
Eric Bryan Wall ’94
Charles Uriah Walters ’08
Gillian Lisenby Walters ’08
Clare Cleere Ward ’66
Michael Seth Ward ’76
Phyllis Killion Ward ’74
Hunter Allen Warr ’23
Freida Little Warren ’66
Gary J. Warren ’67
M. Lee Warren III ’66
Michael Warren ’98
Sean Ray Warren ’92
JoAnn Ford Waters ’81
Marilyn Kay Dassinger Watkins ’64
Shirley Faye Parker Watkins ’56
Nancy Carter Watson ’67
Wendi June Watt ’99
Allison Nicole Welch ’23
Bobbie Coop Welch ’54
Crimson Riley Wells ’23
Lloyd W. Wells ’63
Sue Liu Wen ’57
Kaily Joy Werthem ’23
George David West II ’98
Austin Glenn White ’13
Thomas A. White III ’64
Jeremy Rhea White ’10
Lisa Lacy White ’82
Mark Edward White ’17
Pat Taylor White ’82
Sherryll Henderson White ’74
Meiko Huggins Whitfield ’89
Nancy Prickett Whitley ’57
Sylvia Sellers Whitley ’65
Benjamin L. Whitlock ’97
Catherine Wiginton Wilbourne ’69
Priscilla Vickery Wilder ’66
Sara Yates Wiley ’96
Mary Ann Wilkerson ’71
Billy Clark Williams ’91
Chris A. Williams ’74
Elizabeth Northcutt Williams ’71
Graycee Shane Williams ’23
Hugh R. Williams ’71
Jane L. Williams ’69
Jody Zarr Williams ’81
Ka’TyreahLataye Williams ’23
Mary Ann Gilchrist Williams ’70
Suzanne Inman Williams ’10
John Jeb Williamson ’95
Patricia Shadoin Williamson ’67
Billie Gaye Willis ’69
*Vonelia Lowe Willis ’67
Elsie Prine Wilson ’52
Lane Patrick Wilson ’91
William Byrne Wilson ’90
Lois Mothershead Windham ’59
Kelly Nicole Hill Windle ’09
Arthur Wesley Wingard ’98
Jennifer Reynolds Wingard ’99
Margaret Liddell Winstead ’78
Regina Culp Witt ’00
Tara Hutchison Wizorek ’01
Carter ‘Skip’ Harold Wolf Jr. ’71
Patricia Johnson Wolf ’71
Abby Rohde Wolfe ’18
Jeremy Stephen Wolfe ’16
Tanasha Terrell Womack ’04
Krista Leachman Womble ’04
Joanne Bell Woodall ’65
Ned W. Woodard ’62
J. Allen Woodman ’76
Kathryn Courtney Allen Woodman ’15
Jakob Thomas Works ’16
Kalyn Spatol Works ’15
Austin Douglas Worley ’13
Lauren Lugen Worley ’16
James Ednia Worthington III ’15
Alexandra Elizabeth Carroll Wright ’17
Anna DeMedicis Wright ’16
Betty Greene Wright ’51
Jacob Alexander Wright ’16
Joye Davis Wright ’64
Kristen Curtis Wright ’16
La’Pearl Johnson Wright ’02
Micah Aaron Wright ’15
Rebekah Kate Wriston ’23
Donald Luther Yancey ’69
Linda Nelson Yancey ’69
Patricia Yelverton ’54
John Bradley Zachow ’98
Robert Duane Zarr III ’13
Jennifer Decker Zidlicky ’68
Skip Zuber ’66
Susan Way Zuber ’69
Charlotte VoakZubowicz ’76
* Indicates those now deceased
Parents, Friends, Neighbors, and Faculty & Staff Giving
June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023
Rev. Dr. Diana Abernethy
Ms. Ann Acevedo
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adams
Ms. Jennifer Albo
Ms. Melissa Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Alley
Mr. Lawrence Althouse and Ms. Katherine
Mr. Jordan Anders
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Andrews
The Angst Family
Ms. Deanna Anthony
Ms. Judy Arnold
Mr. Bill Ashworth
Mr. Frank Autery
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Autin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Autin
Mr. Richard Bacz
Dr. Blake Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ball, Jr.
Dr. Jennifer Ballard
Dr. Michael Bamman
Mr. Lance Baral
Mr. and Mrs. James Barganier
Ms. Kelly Barganier
Dr. Ronald Barganier and Mrs. Nan Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barrentine
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Daniel
Mr. Amos Barton
Ms. Miki Beachler
Mr. and Mrs. Jere Beasley
Ms. Oliva Beaty
Mr. and Mrs. John Beck
Ms. Mary Alice Beck
Mr. Patrick Beck ’96 and Mrs. Maryann Beck ’92
Mrs. Han-‘Naeh Belser
Dr. Sanders M. and Mrs. Linda Benkwith
Dr. John Berch ’98
Ms. Teresa Bergeron
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bergeron
Mr. Walter P. and Mrs. Linda A. Bergeron
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bernard
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Billings
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bjorgum
Ms. Dorothy Jean Blackwell
Mrs. Haven Blalock
Ms. Andra’ Boesen
Mr. Tom Bonds
Ms. Shannon Bonilla
Mr. Gene Bonner and Dr. Cynthia Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Booker
Mr. an Mrs. Dave Borden
Dr. and Mrs. Jason Borders
Mr. Richard E. Botts
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bowermaster
Mr. David Bowers
Ms. Erica Boyer
Ms. Esther Boykin
Ms. Marie C. Bradford
Mr. Brac Brady and Mrs. Latonia Brady
Ms. Linda Brannon
Mrs. Anna Vaughn Brasher ‘22
Mrs. Laura Marie Brelsford ’05
Mr. BJ Brewer
Mr. Johnny Flenk Brewster
Dr. Claire E. Bridges ’11
Miss Meggie Bridges ’11
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bromm
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Brown
Mr. Deral Brown
Ms. Sarah Brown
Mr. Nick Bruggeman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruggeman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brummal
Mr. James M. Brunson
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Lawson Bryan
Mr. Jerry Bryant
Ms. Minnie Bryant
Ms. Ruthie Bryant
Ms. Bates Buckner
Mrs. Diane L. Buckner
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Burdeshaw
Ms. Leslie Burgess
Mr. Brandon Burrell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burtt
Ms. Mary Loyd Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buss
Reverend Rhett Butler ’13
Mr. and Mrs. James Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Calhoun
Mrs. Turner C. Cameron, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Campbell
S.H. Campbell, IV and C.U. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Campion
Ms. Lucinda Samford Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. James Cantwell
Ms. Nichole Chaney and Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. Andrew Carey
Ms. Rose Carey
Ms. Belinda Carnegie
Capt. Thomas Carswell
Ms. Crystal Carter
Mr. and Mrs. BZ Cashman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cavoretto
Mr. Les R. Chambers
Ms. Carryne Chancey
Dr. and Mrs. C. Richard Chappell
Ms. Kimberly N. Charles
Mr. Lee Childers
Dr. Kathleen Penney Childree ’15
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Chorey
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chrietzberg
Dr. Kyle Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Chuck
Ms. Bernadean Clark
Dr. Christopher Clark ’07
Mrs. Daphne Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clements
The Reverend Sherill Clontz
Mr. and Mrs. H. David Cobb II
Mr. Robert Cochran
The Reverend and Mrs. Dale R. Cohen
Mr. Alexander Cole ’22
Mrs. Shawn Cole
Mr. and Mrs. David Colgate
Ms. Brenda E Collier
Ms. Dorothy Collier
Mrs. Gail M. Collins
Mr. James R Comer
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Condrey
Dr. and Mrs. James Conely
The Conger Family
Mr. Alan Connell
Mr. DJ Conville ’98 and Mrs. Nyree Conville
Ms. Binita Cook
Ms. Shannon Graham Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coon
Dr. Kristine E. Copping
Mr. John Michael Corbett
Mr. Arthur Cottingham
Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Rob Couch
Mr. and Mrs. David Covington
Ms. Connie Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cox
Mrs. Ashley Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Don Crouch
Mr. John Crow
Miss Paige Crumbley ’14
Mr. Frank J. Cucci
Mr. Mark Culbertson
Mr. Michael Culbertson
Ms. Marla Cullember
Ms. Barbara Culley
Mr. Earl Culley
Dr. Renee Culverhouse
Mr. and Mrs. John Culves, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cumbus
Mr. Bernie Czarney
Ms. Paulette Czarney
Mr. and Mrs. William Dalrymple
Ms. Brenda Daniel
Dr. James Daniels and Mrs. Gabbie Ehinger
Ms. Brittany Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis
Dr. Lane Davis ’03
Mr. Ryan L. Davis
Ms. Toni F. Davis
Ms. Diane Hutto Dawson
Mr. Charles Deal
Ms. Janis Deal
Mr. James DeLoach
Mr. Doug Demedicis
Mr. and Mrs. Robby Dick
Mr. Noah Diebel
Mrs. Misty Dishman ’22
Mr. Thomas Dismukes Jr. ’83
Ms. Mary Ann Doerrbecker
Ms. Katharine Donahue
Mr. Jay Dorman and Dr. Lisa Olenik Dorman
Ms. Debra Dorsey
Ms. Krista Downing
Ms. Jasmine Downs
The Honorable and Mrs. Joel Dubina
Mrs. Belinda Goris Duett ’00 and Mr. Dale Duett
Mr. Virgil Dumas
Mrs. Laura Hinds Duncan ’94
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Dunivant
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dunn
Mrs. Deborah Dupree
Ms. Phyllis H. Dye
Mr. John Dyer
Ms. Lenore Ealy
Mr. Anthony Early
Mr. Barry Easterwood
Ms. Coryn Ebert
Ms. Lori Eggers
Mr. Wynn Elliott
Mr. Robert Justin Ellis
Ms. Sylvia Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ervin
Mr. Kenneth P. Etheridge
Mr. and Mrs. William Evans
Mrs. Carly Falcione
Mrs. Sherry Leigh Farquhar ’13
Ms. Glenda Fields
Mr. and Mrs. John Fields
Mr. Steven Flagg
Mr. Sam Fleming
Mr. Nick Fletcher
Ms. Amy Flynn
Ms. Brenda Fortuna
Ms. Dorothy Foster
Mr. Tony Franklin ’84
Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Freese
Dr. Jennifer Fremlin
Friends of Maud Garrick
Mrs. Patricia Sousa Fry
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fuemmeler
Mr. S. William Fuller, Jr.
Mr. Richard Mark Gaal
Ms. Julie Gallardo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garland
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Garrett, Jr.
Mr. Ken Garrett and Mrs. Linda Lee Garrett ’94
Mr. Douglas Garrick
Dr. Paul Gier and Mrs. Karla Gier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gill
Ms. Patricia Gilmore
Mr. Gus Gledhill
Ms. Joel Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Godwin
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gomez
Ms. Patricia Goodrich
Dr. Jane Goodson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Goodyear
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goss
Dr. Latonya Graham
Bishop and Mrs. David Graves
Mr. Daniel Greene
Ms. Mary Suzanne Greene
Mr. Frank Grier and Mrs. Tricia Grier
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Griffis
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Elizabeth Griffith and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gronka
Mr. Steven Gunter
Mr. David Gurganus
Mr. and Mrs. James Gurganus
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Gurganus
Ms. Ann Renée Guy
Ms. Hayley Rebecca Haggard ’21
Mr. Max H Hale
Ms. Cynthia A. Halfacre
Mr. and Mrs. James Hall
Mr. Mike Hall
The Hallman Family
Ms. Phyllis A. Hallman
Mrs. Jennifer Ham
* Dr. William Hamm
The Hammett Family
Mr. Macon Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hampton
Ms. Katie Hanna
Mr. Alfred Hanson
Ms. Gail Harden
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Hardison
Dr. Emily Hare
Mr. and Mrs. William Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harriman
Ms. Stephanie Harris
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Harrison
Ms. Kimberlee Harrison
Ms. Robin Harrison
Ms. Courtney P. Harville ’17
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Haught
Mr. Monny Haulbrook
Mr. and Mrs. John Haury
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hayes
Mr. Robert L Helton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Henry
Mr. Chester R. Hensor
Mrs. Wendy Hesse
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hester
Ms. Dixie Hickey
Mr. Steven Hicks and Mrs. Stephanie Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hicks
Steven and Nancy Hill and Billy Goodman
Mr. Steven Hilsdon
Ms. Dianne Hinyub
Mr. and Mrs. Les Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Holland
Ms. Peggy Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Allwin Horn
The Horsley Family
Ms. Bobbie Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Huckaby
Mr. Jesse Huff
Ms. Paige Huff ’08
Mr. Billy Joe Hughes
Ms. Lillian Humphries
Ms. Marianne Hussey
Ms. Sharon L. Huston
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hutchinson
Mr. Larry Hymel
Mr. and Mrs. David Iosco
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jackson
Dr. Doba Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Janowski
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Janowski
Blake and Peggy Jeffcoat and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Jeter
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Johns
Ms. Carol Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Johns
Mr. Derry Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Joiner
Ms. Mattie Jones and Ms. Georgia Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Jones
Mr. Walker Lebo Jones
Wells and Scottie Jones
Mr. Cliff Jordan
Mrs. Lani Kaiser-Washington
Mr. and Mrs. James Kalivoda
Mr. John Keiser
Ms. Natallie Keiser
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Kelly
Mrs. Sandy Kelser
Mr. Eric Kidwell ’01
Gary and Melanie Killam
Ms. Jane E. Kimble and Mr. J. Richard Ray
Mr. Joseph S. King
Mr. and Mrs. Mark King
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kramer
Ms. Tracie Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Kuba
Mr. Matthew B. Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Laird
Ms. Mattie Lane
Mr. Vince Lang
Mr. Conor Patrick Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lee
Mr. Travis Lee
Dr. Anthony Leigh and Mrs. Wendy Leigh
Dr. Gerald Leischuck
Reverend Dr. Geoffrey Lentz
Mr. Eric Levanda
Ms. Sarah Leverette
Dr. Jeremy Lewis
Mrs. Lucian Lindqvist
Mr. Chad Linville
Tim and Rosie Linville
Ms. Debbie L. Lobas
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie L. Loeb Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Logue
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lorance
Mrs. Sherry A Lovelady
Ms. Mandy Luebbert
Mr. and Mrs. William Luebbert
Ms. Becky Mackoff
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Malks
Ms. Jenny Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Maloy
Mr. Josh Mandell and Mrs. Mary Virginia
Mr. Richard Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Manning
Mr. Sean Marston
Mr. Timothy Marston
Ms. Suzanne M. Martenson
Dr. Michele Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William Martin
Ms. Fran Martinez
Ms. Moriah Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Payne
Mr. Matt Matthews
Ms. Susan M Matzuras
Mr. W. Myles Mayberry, III
Mr. Christopher Mayer ’22
Mrs. Jenny McDavid
Ms. Gail McEwen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGiboney
The McInnis Family
Mr. W.A. McIntosh, Jr.
Mr. Jerry McKelvy
Ms. Mary Turner McKimmon
Dr. Deanna McKinley
Mr. and Mrs. Monte McKinney
Mr. and Mr. Danny McLain
Mr. Larry B. McLemore
Ms. Charlotte McShurley
Ms. Agnes Meilunas
Ms. JoAnna T Middlebrooks
Ms. Joanne Middleton
Ms. Dana Milanowski
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Brian Miller
Ms. Jane Miller
Mr. Joel Miller
Kerry Miller
Mr. Michael A. Miller
Mr. Richard C. Miller
Ms. Mary Ellen Millis
Ms. Janet Mills
Ms. Leticia A. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Don Mitchell
Mr. Alex Moe
Mr. Jay Montague
Ms. Laryne Monte
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Monteith
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Moore, Jr.
Ms. Etta Morales
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Morris
Mr. Ben and Mrs. Rebecca Morris and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison
Mr. Roy Mortensen
Mr. and Mrs. James Moses
Dr. Ann Mountcastle and Mr. Ben Coker
Dr. Samir Moussalli and Dr. Cinzia Balit-
Dr. Allison Mugno
Mr. David Mullins
Mrs. Catie Murphy
Dr. Maureen Murphy ’78
Mr. RJay Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Alan New
Mr. Eric Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nobles
Lyndel and Rita Nolan
Mr. William Noland
Dr. and Mrs. Kim Norman
Ms. Tami Northrop
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nunn
Mr. Mike Nunn
Ms. Joyce M. Odom
* Mrs. Suellen Ofe
Mr. Stephen B. and Mrs. Carol Dannelly
Mr. Ed Oliver
Mr. Matthew Oliver
Dr. Michele Olson ’86
Ms. Rebecca Ong
Ms. Maria Padilla
Ms. Mercedes Padilla
Ms. Karen Page
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Parker
Mr. Glenn Patterson
Mr. Russell Patterson
Terry Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Patton
Ms. Tish Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Payen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Payne
Ms. Kim Pearce
Mr. Quintez Pearson ’20
Mr. Hubert Peden
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Pennison, Sr.
Mr. Mark Pennison
Al Kenette Penny-Baker
Ms. Kathryn Pepper
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Peppers
Dr. Thomas G. Perrin and Dr. Elizabeth
Jackie and Brenda Pettway
Mr. Michael Peyer
Mr. Jeffrey Phelps
Ms. Virginia Phillippi
Mr. and Mrs. Johnathn Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wesley Pickard
Mr. Jeff Pinkerton
Mr. Brandon Pittman
Mrs. Jo Ann Poarch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Polk
The Honorable and Mrs. Jimmy B. Pool
Ms. Angela Prater
Mr. William R. Price
Mr. Donnie Pridgen
Ms. Amanda Pritchett
Mr. Jordan Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rathbun
Mr. Mike Reaves
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Recio
Mr. Forrest Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reed
Mr. Bruce Reid and Mrs. Emilie Hobbs Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Risley
Don and Destin Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Robertson
Mr. Andrew Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Robinson
Ms. Elaine Robinson
Mr. Roy Robinson
Mr. Buddy Rogers
Ms. Elizabeth Rogers
Mr. James H. Rogers. Jr.
Ms. Kathryn Rogers
Ms. Heather Romine
Janice and Rosy Rosa-Miranda
Mrs. Kristie Royer
Ms. Libbie Rucys
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Rudick
Mr. Horst Ruffing
Mrs. Lynette W. Rush
Dr. James T. Russell and Mrs. Nancy Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Salzman
Mr. William M. Salzman, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Royas Sanders
Mrs. Brenda Sanks
Ms. Sandra Sansbury
Ms. Tara Cady Sartorius
Mrs. Burke Schloss
Dr. Patrick Schmucker
Mr. Isaac Schofield
Mr. William D. Schreyer ’89
Ms. Kassandra R. Scott
Ms. Frances Seale
Ms. Pam Dannelly Seegars
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Segall
Mr. Wade Segrest
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seibels
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Harrison Sewell II
Ms. Cynthia Shafer
Mr. Tommy Shaw
Ms. Mona Sheets
Ms. Nikki Shewmake
Dr. Sara Shoffner
Mr. and Mrs. Simmons
Ms. Lisa Simpson
Ms. Marie Singleton
* Mr. Loyd Smilie
Mrs. Mary Emma Smilie
Mr. Eric Smith
Mr. James K. Smith, Jr.
Mr. John Smith
Ms. Judy Smith
Ms. Julia Smith
Mr. Kevin Smith
Mrs. Margaret B. Smith
Ms. Patricia C. Smith
Ms. Penelope Smith
Ms. Tabitha Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Solomon
Dr. Stephen Sours and Dr. Sarah Conrad Sours
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sousa
Dr. Christa D. Spann
Ms. Susan Spear
Ms. Barbara S. Speigle
Mr. and Mrs. James Spence
Mr. Cowles M. Spencer, Jr.
Ms. Theadora D. Springle
Mr. Don Spurlin
Ms. Frances Squire
Mr.and Mrs. Charles Stakely
Mr. Mark Steinbeck
Mr. Jameson Stephens and Mrs. Bria Rochelle-
Stephens ’18
Dr. Kimberly Stephenson
Ms. Audrey Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Stubbs
Ms. Karen V. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Szush
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Talkington
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tampling
Ms. Donna Tate
Ms. Enid Tate
Ms. Michele Taunton
Mrs. Fran H. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Taylor
Mr. Ronald Thibodeau
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, III
Mr. William Thrift
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins
Mr. Marcus Townsend
Ms. Helen Trachsler
Mr. Robert Trachsler
Mr. William Trotman and Mr. Andrew Trotman
Ms. Marcella Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tuley
Mr. Willie J. Tullis
Mr. Mike Turk and Mrs. Danielle Turk
Ms. Katasha Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Turnipseed
Ms. Shena Veale
Ms. Donna Vuchinich
Ms. Lauren Waldrep
Ms. Vicki Walker
Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett
Mr. Michael Ward ’76
Ms. Paige Ward
Mr. Reginal Ware
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodney Washam
Mr. Ted Washington, Jr.
Mr. Mike Watson
Ms. and Mrs. Bill Weathington
Dr. Laurie Jean Weil and Dr. Tommy Wool
Ms. Maria Wejroch
Ms. Lanis Weller-Panny
Mr. G. Keith Wells and Mr. Rick T. Barbrey
Mr. and Mrs. George Wells
Mr. Andrew M. Wendland
* Mr. Milton “Buzz” Wendland
Ms. Grace West
Reverend Dr. and Mrs. J. Cameron West
Ms. Sarah West and Mr. Tom Dominick
Mr. Donovan Whibbs
Ms. Virginia Whitfield
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Whiting
Reverend and Mrs. John Whitley
Dr. and Mrs. Kim Whittington
Lynn and Mitzi Whittington
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wiecezak
Mr. John J. Wiecezak
Mr. Robert Wiezorek
Mr. and Mrs. Hasty Wiggins
Mr. Kevin Wilks
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. John Williams
Ms. Pam Willis
Mr. Curtis Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Tony L. Wilson
Mrs. Catherine Wolfe
Ms. Phyllis L. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Woody
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Word
Mrs. Alice Worley
Mr. and Mrs. George Worley
Mr. Edward Wright
Ms. Tealisa Brewster Wright
Mr. Edward Z. Wronsky, Jr.
Ms. Sandra Wyckoff
Ms. Mary Frances Wyrosdick
Ms. Monika Yoder
Ms. Tammy Younce
Mr. and Mrs. David Young
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Young
Mr. Vernon Young
Ms. Lois Youngblood
Dr. Kristin Zimbelman
Mrs. Betty Zoller
*Indicates those now deceased.
Corporation, Organization, and Government Giving
June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023
ABS Business Systems of Montgomery, Inc.
Air Force Aid Society
Alabama Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
Alabama-West Florida Conference
Darcy Akers Scholarship Fund/ Ormond Beach Rotary
Alabama 4-H State Office
Alabama Affordable Housing Association
Alabama Athletic Trainers Association
Alabama Connection
Alabama Conservation District Employees Association
Alabama Elks Association
Alabama Football Coaches Association
Alabama Lions Opportunities Youth Fund
Alabama Natural Gas Association
Alabama Power Company
Alabama West Florida District Civitan International
Albany Honda
All in Credit Union
Alpha Kappa Alpha- Mu Sigma Omega Chapter
Alphonso and Velma Cunningham Scholarship Fund
American Legion Conrad-Hoover Post #021
Bayside Resell LLC
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Beyond Expectations Community Outreach
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
Blair Block, LLC
BPOE Lodge
Bridge Inspection Services, LLC
Callaghans Irish Social Club
The Carrollton Golden K 02/95
Central Alabama Club of the National Association of Negro Business and
Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.
Circle M Ranch
City of Jacksonville
Coastal Baldwin Education Enrichment Fund
Cures ‘N Curiosities
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Dolphin Athletic Club Inc
Dream Big Resource Network, Inc.
Edge Sports
The Ebert Agency
Filet & Vine Restaurant
First National Bank and Trust
Florida State Golf Association, Inc.
Foothills Tractor LLC
General Board of Higher Education & Ministry
Geneva Rotary Club
Georgia Prison Wardens Association
Georgia Roofing Contractors Association
Giles Enterprises, Inc.
Grandma Tempie/ Harris Books
The Greater Pensacola Jr. Golf Association
Guy Hardwick Scholarship Trust Fund
Harris Automotive LLC
The Hartford Civic Club
Haulbrook Engineering Co Inc.
Hawkins Scholarship
Huntingdon College SGA
Huntmar Development LLC
Helen F. Huss Scholarship
International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc.
Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Montgomery, AL Chapter
Jaco Sales, LLC
Kutters Grounds Maintenance Inc.
Ladera Management Group, LLC
Life Force Alternative Therapies
Lillian Action Committee
Limestone County Sports Hall of Fame
The Mabel Amos Memorial Fund
Madison Golf Center
The Adam Marcus Marmurek Scholarship Fund, Inc.
Mentone Educational Resources Foundation
Millbrook Pioneers Athletic Association
Mobile Center National Society of the Colonial Dames of America
Mooty and Associates
MOWA Choctaw Housing Authority
MTM Corporation
National Peanut Festival Assoc. Inc.
National Society of Colonial Dames in Alabama- Auburn Opelika Town
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America – Birmingham Chapter
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Alabama
-Montgomery Chapter
National Wrestling Hall of Fame Inc. Alabama Chapter
North Alabama Conference-UMC
Northeast Alabama Craftsmen Association
The NSCDA in the State of Alabama
Pensacola Civitan Club, Inc.
Phenix City Mayors and Council Ball
Poarch Creek Indians
Quest Club of Moundville
Quilting Stitches
The Raven’s Nest Tattoo Studio
Regions Bank
SC Johnson Giving Inc.
Scholarship America
Shelby County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Shelby Sash & Door, Inc.
Sigma Nu Nu Beta Alumni Chapter
Sigma Phi Epsilon-Ala Zeta Chapter
Donald Smith Company, Inc.
South Baldwin Newcomers Club, Inc.
Southern Region Volleyball Association
Spout Spring Ruritan Club
State of Alabama
State of Alabama – College Counts Scholarship
Stefankiewicz Farms
Stifel Charitable Inc.
Stonewall District Ruritan Club, Inc.
TW Orthodontics LLC
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
UMWA/BCOA Training & Education Fund
Underground Facilities Unlimited, Inc.
United Mine Workers of America
United Way of Baldwin County, Inc.
W.K. Upchurch Construction Co., Inc.
Wayne Farms LLC
Joe Wheeler Electric Membership Corporation
Wisconsin Sno-Birds Club, Inc.
Women In Touch
Foundation Giving
June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023
Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation
Alabama Home Builders Foundation
Alabama-West Florida United Methodist Foundation
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Amazonsmile Foundation
AMVETS Dept. of Alabama Service Foundation Inc.
ASF Foundation
Athens Area Community Foundation
The Baptist Foundation of Alabama
J.L. Bedsole Foundation
The Bellingrath-Morse Foundation
The Calvin P. and Irma B. Bentley Charitable Foundation Trust
The R. A. Bowen Trust
Bryant-Jordan Scholarship Foundation
Central Alabama Community Foundation – Tranum and Martha Fitzpatrick Donor Advised Fund
Champions Foundation, Inc.
Charities Aid Foundation of American
Community Foundation of East Mississippi
Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham – Jolly Family Fund
The Community Foundation of South Alabama- Eichold Family Foundation Fund
Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley, Inc.
Crum Family Charitable Foundation
The Dallas Foundation
Electric Cooperative Foundation, Inc
Elks National Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation
Florida Realtors Education Foundation
Foundation for the Carolinas
Frederick County Educational Foundation
Geneva City Schools Foundation
Georgia District Civitan Foundation, Inc.
Gordy-Mead-Britton Foundation
Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation
Gulf Coast Athletic Club Foundation, Inc.
Harden Family Foundation within the Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund
Hawkins Educational Foundation for Baldwin County
Linly Heflin Scholarship
Laura Calfee Higdon Charitable Foundation
Michele W. Hill Foundation
Hillsborough Education Foundation
The Hobbs Foundation
Holman Hurricanes Foundation
Johnson & Johnson Foundation Matching Gifts Program
The Joe H. Johnson and Mary P. Johnson Charitable Foundation
The Junior Miss Foundation of Alabama
J. A. & Ophelia Killgore Scholarship Trust
LifeSouth Community Foundation, Inc.
Delbert B Madison II Foundation
Max 4 Kids Foundation
Network For Good
TJ Northey Memorial Foundation
Penny Foundation Incorporated
Phi Mu Foundation
Jimmy Rane Foundation
Benjamin & Roberta Russell Foundation
The Samford-Cannon Foundation
The S. Adam Schloss Foundation
South Baldwin Education Foundation, Inc.
NJ Stallworth Foundation
Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation
Tav Foundation College Scholarship Program
Tomberlin Family Foundation
Tulsa Community Foundation
United Methodist Higher Education Foundation
Uplift Foundation
Valley Rubber Private Foundation, Inc.
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation
School and Church-Related Giving
June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023
Alabama Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
Alabama-West Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church
Aldersgate United Methodist Church – Montgomery, AL
Alexander City Methodist Church
Childersburg High School
Community Baptist Church – Grady, AL
Dale County High School
Fort Payne High School
Frazer Free Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church of Montgomery
General Board of Higher Education & Ministry
Geneva County High School
George W. Long High School
Journey Class at First United Methodist Church, Montgomery
Lincoln High School – Lincoln, AL
Mar Thoma Mission Board
Mortimer Jordan High School
Mustang High School Soccer Booster Club – Mustang, OK
New Creation Class of Aldersgate UMC
North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church
North Brewton Baptist Church
Pathfinder Sunday School Class of Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Shelby County High School Fund
Smiths Station High School
St. Joseph’s Indian School
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church/ The Stephens Educational Fund
The University of Alabama
United Methodist Women First UMC Montgomery
Wallace Community College – Dothan
Memorials and Tributes
June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023
*Indicates those now deceased.
The Huntingdon Society
Members of The Huntingdon Society contribute $1,000 or more during the fiscal year and/or have lifetime giving of $75,000+ and are members of the Countess of Huntingdon.
ABS Business Systems of Montgomery, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adams
Mrs. Imogene Adams
Ms. Frances Akridge
Alabama Association of Independent Colleges and
Alabama Power Company
Alabama – West Florida Conference of the UMC
Alabama-West Florida United Methodist
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Albritton
Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Mark Alexander Jr.
ALFA Insurance Company
Mr. Greg and Mrs. Jane Howell Allen
Mrs. Harriet Allison
Mr. David Allred
Ms. Glenda Atwell Allred
The Honorable and Mrs. James Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson
Mr. Thomas Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arrington III
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Astin
Mrs. Iris Ates
Mrs. Beverly Atwell
Ms. Marguerite Wallace McClure Averett
Dr. Tom Babington
Mrs. Carol Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ball Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Mike Bamman
Dr. Jason Banks
Baptist Health
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Barganier
Mr. G. Carlton and Dr. Melanie Barker
Ms. Barbara Lazenby Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barranco
Mr. J. Bruce Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. William Beaird
Mr. William and *Mrs. Joanne Gordon Beard
Mr. Jake Bechert
Mr. and Mrs. John Beck
Mrs. Hye Jeong Y. Beckett
The J.L. Bedsole Foundation
Mrs. Ann Bedsole
The Bellingrath-Morse Foundation
Dr. Sanders and Mrs. Linda Mordecai Benkwith
Calvin B. Bentley Charitable Foundation
Dr. John and Mrs. Nanci Smith Berch
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bergeron
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Billings
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birmingham
Mr. James and Mrs. June Burdick Bisard
Mrs. Jim Bishop Sr.
Blair Block, LLC
Mr. Larry and Mrs. Elaine Hearn Boese
Rev. John and Mrs. Paula Trimm Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Borden
Mr. David Bowers
Mrs. Amy Vibbart Bowman
Ms. Esther Boykin
Mr. Brac and Mrs. Latonia Brady
Ms. Thelma Braswell
Mr. William J. Bray
Miss Jo Ann Brazelton
Mr. Joel and Mrs. Laura Tyree Brelsford
Mr. John B. and Mrs. Frances Cooper Bricken Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Brown
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Lawson Bryan
*Mrs. Elia Durr Buck
Ms. Bates Buckner
Mr. John Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Burdeshaw
Dr. Richard Burr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buss
*Mr. John A. Caddell
Mrs. Rae Calvert
Mrs. Turner C. Cameron Jr.
Mr. William and the HonorableLeura Garrett
Ms. Lucinda Samford Cannon
Mrs. Renee Byrd Carlisle
Estate of Ann Carlisle Carmichael
Mrs. Myrtice Carr
Mr. Clay and Mrs. Leanne Mallory Carroll
Mr. Shaun and Mrs. Sarah Francis Carroll
Ms. Anne D. Castellina
Central Alabama Community Foundation
Ms. Janet Malinda Chambless
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Champion
Mrs. Jean Chapman
Dr. and Mrs. C. Richard Chappell
Mrs. Lucinda Smilie Chappelle
Rev. Toby and Mrs. Ragan Brackin Chastain
Mrs. Katherine Liddon Chatowski
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cheek III
Mrs. Barbara Christenberry
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Chuck
The City of Montgomery
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Clark
Mr. and Mrs. David Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cobb
Coca-Cola Bottling Company United, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Morris Cochran
Dr. Malcolm H. and Mrs. Ann Jeffords Cole
Council of Independent Colleges
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Colson
Dr. and Mrs. James Conely
Dr. Jay and Mrs. Susan Adams Cooper
Rev. and Mrs. Rob Couch
Mr. David Cousins
Dr. Robert D. Cousins, Jr.
Couvillion Group, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Ben Craven
Mrs. Myrtle Peters Crone
Mrs. Charles M. Crook
The Crum Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. Seth Currie
Mr. Jim and Mrs. Debbie Doss Dahl
The Daniel Foundation
Mr. Luke Daniels
Dr. and Mrs. Lane Davis
Ms. Reita Sample Davis
Estate of Emily Elizabeth Dawson
Mr. Joseph Day
Dr. and Mrs. Dexter Dean
Mr. and Mrs. James DeLoach
Mr. Thomas Dismukes Jr.
Dr. Henry and Mrs. Joan Johnston Diversi
Mr. Jay Dorman and Dr. Lisa Olenik-Dorman
The Honorable Kristi K. DuBose
Mr. Dale and Mrs. Belinda Goris Duett
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Duke
Mr. Craig and Mrs. Laura Hinds Duncan
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ken A. Dunivant
Ms. Lenore Ealy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Edwards
Dr. W. Foster and Mrs. Ginger Graves Eich III
Dr. and Mrs. Bert Eichold
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle J. Eller
Mr. and Mrs. Taber Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Enfinger Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ervin
ExxonMobil Foundation
Mr. David and Mrs. Sara Dean Faulkenberry
Mrs. Suzanne Repnicki Fickey
Filet and Vine Restaurant
First UMC of Montgomery
*Mrs. Martha Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flowers Jr.
Foothills Tractor, LLC
Mrs. Josephine Golson Foshee
Foundation for the Carolinas
Mrs. Teresa Smith Francis
Mr. *Nimrod and Mrs. Lee Martin Frazer
Frazer Free Methodist Church
Mr. Daniel Freehling
Ms. Debra Freisleben
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Frost
The Rev. Dr. Billy Gaither
Mrs. Jeanne Bailey Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. William Silas Garrett Jr.
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Linda Lee Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Garrett
Mr. E. Gerald Garrick and Dr. Sue Garrick
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
Dr. and Mrs. Greg Gilbert
Giles Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Godwin
Mrs. Sarah Frye Goff
Dr. Jane Goodson
Gordy-Mead-Britton Foundation
Mr. Jason and Dr. Anne Bartolucci Graham
Bishop and Mrs. David Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Griffis
Mrs. Joanne Levi Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hallman
Mr. Jason and Mrs. Nancy Small Halsell
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Harden
Mr. Drew and Dr. Christian Vick Harrell
Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Jessica Lyerly Harrison
Ms. Rebecca Haston
Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Ellen Evans Haulman
Mr. and Mrs. John Haury
Mrs. Nancy Haverland
Colonel Scott and Mrs. Angelyn Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Haynes
Mr. James Henry
Mr. Steven and Mrs. Stephanie Hicks
Ms. Madeleine M. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hinds
Mr. Louis G. Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charles Hines
The Hobbs Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Holcomb
Dr. Brandy Milstead Hollingsworth
Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Marybeth Wheatley
Dr. Bessie House-Soremekun
Ms. Wanda A. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. David Hudson Jr.
Mr. John and Mrs. Amy Beard Hulsey
Ms. Marianne Hussey
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inscoe
Ms. Caroline Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Doba Jackson
Jackson Thornton & Co.
Dr. Judith McNease James
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johnson
Mr. David and Mrs. Khanna Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jolly
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jones
Ms. Katrina Keefer
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Kelly
Mr. Chris and Mrs. Sandy Kelser
Ms. Jennifer B. Kendrick
Mrs. Saundra Bozeman Kidd
Mr. Gip and Mrs. Judy Watson Kingry
Dr. Mark and Mrs. Beth Anderson Kingry
Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Jan Kirkemier
Mr. Craig and Mrs. Margaret Ward Kneisel
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Knupp II
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Mindy Bevan La Branche
Mr. Addison Lambeth
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Kathy Lawrence
Estate of Bonnie Ledbetter
Mrs. Phebe Mason Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Leigh
Dr. Gerald Leischuck
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Lentz
Mr. H. Russell Lester
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lester
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Levanda
Mrs. Elizabeth Denson Lipscomb
Mr. Jamie and Mrs. Carol Fields Loeb
Mr. and Mrs. James Lowder
Mrs. Sara Bradford Lowery
Delbert B. Madison II Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Malone
Mr. Josh and Mrs. Mary Virginia Mandell
Mr. Larry W.Martin
Mr. W. Myles Mayberry III
Rev. Neil and Mrs. Minta Robison McDavid
Ms. Carrie McDonough
Ms. Iris McGehee
Ms. Mary K. McGuffey
Mrs. Melissa McKie
The Honorable Reese and Mrs. Beverly Gordy McKinney Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James McLemore
Dr. Larry McLemore
Mr. John and Mrs. Betty Thurman McMahon
Mrs. Kathryn Love McMaken
Mr. Don and Mrs. Charlene Rentz Meadows
Dr. Kali Sands Meyer
Ms. JoAnna Middlebrooks
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Brian Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Miller
Ms. Kay Kennedy Miller
Ms. Margaret Wendland Miller
Mr. Richard C. Miller
Mr. George and Mrs. Sarah McCarthy Mingledorff III
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mitchell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Moore
Dr. Tom and Mrs. Marsha Kirk Moore
Mr. and Mrs. William Morris
Mr. and Mrs. James Moses
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Moulton
Dr. Samir Moussalli and Dr. Cinzia Balit-Moussalli
Dr. Lee and Mrs. Catie Murphy
Dr. Michael Murphy and Dr. Maureen Murphy
Mr. RJay Murray
Mr. and Mrs. David Myrick
Mr. Harry Neel, Jr.
Mrs. Bronwyn Bothfeld Nickles
NJ Stallworth Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Nolan
North Alabama Conference of the UMC
Mr. Joseph Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Donnell
Mr. Steve and *Mrs. Suellen Ofe
Mr. Daniel Ogle
Reverend Lee Padgett and Bishop Debra Wallace-
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Parker
Mr. Bob and Mrs. Sandra Brill Passmore
Mr. Herbert Patterson
Ms. Tish Patton
Maj. Generaland Mrs. William A. Peck, Jr.
Dr. Kathleen Penney-Childree and Mr. Graham
Mr. Hal and Mrs. Peggy Springfield Pennington
Mrs. Betty Seymour Perdue
Dr. Tom Perrin and Dr. Elizabeth Hutcheon
Mr. James and Mrs. Sara Stembridge Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pickard
Mr. and Mrs. McDowell Pinckard
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Pittman
Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Mr. Mathew and Mrs. Evelyn Huntzler Pope
Mr. John Prunkl
Dr. Henry Pugh
Dr. John Pugh
Mrs. Madolyn Radney
Jimmy Rane Foundation
Mr. Joe D. and Mrs. Allyce Sikes Read
Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Jessica Reeves Reamer
Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Emilie Hobbs Reid
Mrs. Shirley H. Reid
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Suzanne Wendland Rhodes
Dr. William and Mrs. Ansley Callaway Rice
Dr. and Mrs. William Richardson, III
* Mrs. Elinor Warr Roberts
Dr. James Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roland
Mr. and Mrs. Eric K. Ross
Mr. Roy and Dr. Celia Smith Rudolph
Mrs. Leigh Rys
Mr. John D. and Mrs. Dianne Williams Salter
The Samford-Cannon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sanders
The S. Adam Schloss Foundation
Dr. Jacob Seales
Mr. and Mrs. David Seals
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Seamon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seibels
The Honorable Jeff B. Sessions III and Mrs. Mary
Blackshear Sessions
Dr. and Mrs. Chad Shannon
Ms. Carolyn West Shelton
Mrs. Lisa Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Guice Slawson
Mr. Tony Smelley and Dr. Angela Smelley
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Smilie
Mr. David A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James Kenneth Smith, III
Mrs. Margaret B. Smith
Mr. James L. and Mrs. Nordis Smith
Mr. Steven Smith
The Honorable Burt and Mrs. Elizabeth Couey
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sousa
Mr. Don Spurlin
Mr. Charlie and Mrs. Winifred Lightfoot Stakely
Mr. Dennis Stallworth
Mary Elizabeth Stallworth Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Stanaland
State of Alabama
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Steele
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Karl Stegall
Dr. Kimberly Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Young Stevenson
Mrs. Hope Gaither Stockton
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Strickland
Mr. Eric Stuart
The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation
Mrs. Betty Moore Summerlin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Talkington
Mr. Tony and Mrs. Fran H. Taylor
Ms. Dorris Teague
Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Linda McLeod Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson III
Mrs. John N. Todd III
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Tomberlin
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins
Ms. Marcella Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turk
United Methodist Higher Education Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ken Upchurch III
Mrs. Betty Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Walden
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Phyllis Killion Ward
Mr. Sean Warren
Ms. Shirley Faye Parker Watkins
Mr. Mike Watson
Ms. Wendi Watt
Dr. Laurie Weil and Dr. Tommy Wool
Mr. Jack L. and Dr. Bobbie Coop Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Welden
Mr. Wen-Yang and Mrs. Sue Wen
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wendland
* Mr. Buzz Wendland
The Reverend and Mrs. J. Cameron West
Ms. Sarah West and Mr. Tom Dominick
Mr. and Mrs. Austin White
Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Cynthia Gebhardt White
Mrs. Pat Taylor White
The Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation
Mr. R. Tyler and Mrs. Nancy Prickett Whitley
Mr. Hugh and Mrs. Elizabeth Northcutt Williams
Mr. W. A. and Mrs. Patricia Shadoin Williamson Jr.
Mr. Bo Wilson
Mr. Lane Wilson
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Dorothy Waters Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wilson
Mrs. Wynona Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John Wise
Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Catherine Wolfe
Mr. George and Mrs. Nancy Y. Womick
Dr. J. Allen Woodman
Dr. Austin and Mrs. Lauren Lugen Worley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sevard Worthy
Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Alex Carroll Wright
Mr. Edward Z. Wronsky Jr.
Mr. Harold W. Wyatt III
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Linda Yancey
Mrs. Gerry Yeoman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Young
Ms. Lois Youngblood
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Zoller
*Indicates those now deceased.
The President’s Circle
Members of The President’s Circle contributed between $2,500 and $4,999 during the fiscal year beginning June 1, 2022, and ending May 31, 2023.
ABS Business Systems of Montgomery, Inc.
Ms. Marguerite Averett
Mr. James and Mrs. June Burdick Bisard
Reverend and Mrs. John H. Bonner
Ms. Thelma Braswell
Ms. Jo Ann Brazelton
Ms. Bates Buckner
Mr. Luther C. Daniels III
Mr. Jay Dorman and Dr. Lisa Olenik-Dorman
Foothills Tractor LLC
The Rev. Dr. Billy Gaither
Mr. and Mrs. William Silas Garrett Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Greg Gilbert
Dr. Brandy Milstead Hollingsworth
Ms. Wanda A. Howard
Ms. Caroline Jackson
Dr. Judith James
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johnson
Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Jan Puckett Kirkemier
Mrs. Margaret Ward Kneisel and Mr. Richard Craig Kneisel
Mr. Richard Craig Miller Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Roe Reamer
Dr. James Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Koin Ross
Dr. Jacob Seales
The Honorable Jeff B. Sessions, III and Mrs.Mary Blackshear Sessions
Mr. Don Spurlin
Mr. Hugh and Mrs. Elizabeth Northcutt Williams
Dr. Austin and Mrs. Lauren Lugen Worley
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Linda Nelson Yancey
Ms. Lois Youngblood
*Indicates those now deceased.
The Cloverdale Society
Members of The Cloverdale Society contributed $5,000 or more during the fiscal year beginning June 1, 2022, and ending May 31, 2023.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adams
Alabama Association of Independent Colleges
Alabama Power Company
The Alabama-West Florida Conference of the
United Methodist Church
Alabama-West Florida United Methodist
Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Mr. Greg and Mrs. Jane Howell Allen
The Honorable and Mrs. James Anderson
Dr. Thomas Babington
Dr. Ronald Barganier and Mrs. Nan Hobbs Barganier
Mr. and Mrs. G. Carlton Barker
Ms. Barbara Barnett
The JL Bedsole Foundation
The Bellingrath Morse Foundation
Dr. Sanders and Mrs. Linda Mordecai Benkwith
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Borden
* The Estate of Elia Durr Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Burdeshaw
Mrs. Turner C. Cameron, Jr.
Mr. William Canary and The Hon. Leura Garrett
Ms. Lucinda Samford Cannon
* Estate of Ann Carlisle Carmichael
Central Alabama Community Foundation – * Tranum
and Martha Fitzpatrick Donor Advised Fund
Dr. and Mrs. C. Richard Chappell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Colson
Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham –
Jolly Family Fund
* Mrs. Bobbie Dannelly
Miss Emily Elizabeth Dawson
Ms. Lenore Ealy
ExxonMobil Foundation
Foundation For the Carolinas
Mr. Daniel Freehling
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Frost
Mr. Ken and Mrs. Linda Lee Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Garrett
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
Gordy-Mead-Britton Foundation
Colonel Scott and Mrs. Angelyn Bryant Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hinds
The Hobbs Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Hudson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jones
Mrs. Katrina Keefer
Ms. JB Kendrick
* Estate of Bonnie Ledbetter
Dr. Anthony and Mrs. Wendy Leigh
Dr. Gerald Leischuck
Mr. Larry W. Martin
The Honorable Reese McKinney Jr. and Mrs. Beverly
Gordy McKinney
Mrs. Kay Miller
Mr. Ira Mitchell Jr. and Mrs. Anne White Mitchell
Dr. Michael and Dr. Maureen Kendrick Murphy
Mr. RJay Murray
North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist
Mr. Hal and Mrs. Peggy Springfield Pennington
Dr. John Barr Pugh
Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Emilie Hobbs Reid
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Suzanne Wendland Rhodes
Mr. Roy and Dr. Celia Smith Rudolph
Benjamin and Roberta Russell Foundation
Samford-Cannon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seibels
The Honorable Burt Smithart and Mrs. Elizabeth
Couey Smithart
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Stanaland
State of Alabama
Stifel Charitable Inc.
The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation
Mrs. Betty Summerlin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Talkington
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson III
Ms. Marcella Tucker
United Methodist Higher Education Foundation
Dr. Laurie Weil and Dr. Tommy Wool
Mr. and Mrs. Wen-Yang Wen
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Wendland
* Mr. Milton “Buzz” Wendland
Ms. Sarah West and Mr. Tom Dominick
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation
*Indicates those now deceased.